Saturday, December 31, 2011

Marathon Talk Podcast

     Somewhere along the line I found the show Marathon Talk . It's a podcast about all aspects of marathoning and is updated weekly. Run by two Brits, Tom Yelling and Martin Williams, it's interesting not only for its wide ranging quality content of training tips and motivation, shout-outs to regular runner's accomplishments, humor, and interviews with elites and lesser knowns, but also for the English take on things long distance.

Plus it's just cool to listen to them speak, being all Brit-ish and everything. Give it a try, they have tons of shows archived.


  1. This is great to know about! I download a lot of podcasts and listen to them on my commute to/from Indy, so I will definitely check this one out!! The only other running one I've found that is updated regularly is called "House of Run". It's two guys talking about what's going on in the world of running. Sometimes they get a little long-winded, but it's nice to listen to something about running. Check it out if you get a chance! Great blog, by the way! :)

  2. Cool, thanks- I'll give House of Run a listen! I guess it's human nature to get long winded at times, but it is fun to listen in on a convo about running.
